Large Call to

Action Headline

Small Call to Action Headline

Big Question - Your Ideal Clients Biggest Desire

Pain Point 1

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Pain Point 2

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Pain Point 3

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Pain Point 4

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Hello beautiful soul, my name is Ionit Sabatello and I am a Love & Relationships Healer and Personal Success Mentor.

lonit Sabatello is a global Love and Relationship Healer and an Award-Winning Spiritual Mentor who helps women to transform relationships dynamics with the power of awareness, and shift energetically and emotionally from their past experiences in relationships that hold them back from living the life they desire.

Click the button below to book a free 20 minute clarity call:

My Path to Healing and Transformation

I launched my healing business in 2021 and received an award in 2022 from the High Net Connect community for my unique spiritual work with high achievers and their families around mental health, wellbeing, and relationships.

I advocate self-awareness, healthy boundaries, and unconditional love as the main pillars for my secret to mental wellbeing, conscious parenting, and connecting communication. My method has helped women and men all around the globe find their soulmate, come closer to their partners, break away from toxic relationships, and find inner peace while going through life-changing events.

My clients experience soul fulfilment, an increase in financial opportunities, better health, and most importantly, improved relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues.

“When we interact with others we can discover so much about our personality, habits, reactions, and way of thinking. Our spiritual journey requires us to overcome our fears, doubts, and past traumas by cultivating self-awareness, positive energy, and faith in the universe. We can open ourselves up to the possibility of love and attract partners and friends who are truly right for us. If we can hold compassion, gratitude, and unconditional love for any feeling that we have- the experience of success is inevitable”

The Birth of My Passion

At the age of 12, my dad died and I was sent on my journey. Growing up without emotional support, being a sensitive yet a 'Rebel' child, I broke paradigms and norms but lacked inner confidence based on fear of abandonment, unworthiness, and a feeling of 'not good enough'. Growing throughout my childhood and young adult years, I was carrying a lot of unprocessed pain and anger and was trying to please everyone around me. These years led me to lower all of my standards, expect the minimum of receiving, and settle for far less than what was intended for me. I became available to toxic relationships, where I became distanced from myself more and more. With two young kids, coming out of depression, realizing I was subjected to Emotional, financial, and Mental Abuse, I made my decision to live the rest of my adult life successfully, authentically, unapologetically, with joy and playfulness.

This decision became my passion, and I went on to become a Healer, guiding thousands to find their way back to their heart, to be themselves, without the pain or limiting beliefs they received from others so that they can live and love with the freedom of choice.

I strongly believe relationships are everything in life, starting with how one relates to oneself.

Welcome to The Love Club

I emphasize that life can be experienced with more joy and ease and that this is meant for everyone, no matter their background. For this reason, I created a life-changing space to facilitate and heal those who wish to leave their past behind and improve their life moving forward, especially being a parent.

‘The Love Club’ is available globally for women who value their freedom and authenticity and is available to join from anywhere in the world. “We were born to experience unconditional love. We can heal ourselves with more love. We just need to find our way back to it. Anyone can do the inner work if they are willing to change their mind and open their heart.” I live in London, UK, with my two kids. I love being active and going for walks in nature and I am a real foodie.

I make sure my life is uncompromisable and full of zest, and I share it with my family, partner, and friends.

{Topic} {impact that they want} for me...

...and it can do the same for you!

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

INTRODUCING: {Course Name}

What's Inside...









Connect with me

What have past students

said about {course name}?

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Name, City Location

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Name, City Location

Testimonial goes here.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Name, City Location

Testimonial goes here.

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