Join The Love Club

To shift energetically and emotionally from your 'X' to your NEXT

A place for self love, transformation and deep healing so that you can live and love with the freedom of choice.

You can be your authentic-self while enjoying improved experiences and healthy relationships all around.

Click the button to join for only £111 a month!

Large Call to

Action Headline

Small Call to Action Headline

Big Question - Your Ideal Clients Biggest Desire

Pain Point 1

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Pain Point 2

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Pain Point 3

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Pain Point 4

Use this to make your Ideal Client think about their problem!

Have you ever experienced an ended relationship that left you heartbroken?

Whether it's ended because of loss, rejection, or growing apart,
you can have a fast closure and enjoy better choices in the future

Sign up now to receive your free-guide to your inbox:

My Vision is...

To help you overcome the emotional stress and overwhelm you experience from current or previous relationships, to shift your mindset, heal your heart wounds and change the way you think and feel about relationships.

To guide you to become available, open-hearted and open-minded to receive all the good things YOU deserve in life- The love, the health, the relationship, the businesses, the money, the dream home, the happiness.

To show you ways to be aligned completely with your values, and to be the creator of experiences and connections with joy in every moment of awakening.

To give you the best tools to make life easier and more abundant.

This Is For You, If You...

Wish to find your way back to who you were meant to be with unconditional love towards yourself and those you care about

Desire to improve reality and current relationships with people around you in all aspects- romantic, family and business

Want to receive guidance and support while going through challenging time in your life

Want to recover from previous relationship and are ready to find your compatible soulmate

Hear from my clients...


Sagit C.

Real Estator & Litigator

I reached out to Ionit, feeling I have to make a change in my life, not knowing what exactly, but I had the urge for things to just improve and be different than how they were.

Within 5 sessions, I had more confidence not just to apply for better working positions but also to refuse offers that didn't reflect my effort and experience as I now value myself.

I felt a massive improvement in my relationship with my husband and there is much liberation and peace that I allow myself, which weren't there before.

Feeling empowered and inspired to do so, I was able to release people from my life which I realised were toxic for me, easily, and with that, I was able to reduce smoking.

I am able to breathe and all aspects of my life sync with the breathing rhythm.

This is a life changer!

This Is How We Flow...

Every month you will receive two heling group sessions via Zoom :

1. Elevation Healing Session

I will be there for you, to shift your limiting beliefs and elevate your mindset.

I will guide you through the exact process that I've been doing all those years for my self,

and for my clients, to help you reach your goals faster and with ease.

This has helped me to overcame emotionally and energetically from a breakup within 6 weeks and create my life on my own terms.

The Elevation Session will include positive mindset, spiritual awareness, energy healing integration and intuitive guidance, so that you can start and feel those changes in your life straight away.

Every month will have a topic that is relevant to your transformation process, wherever you are on your journey, and moving on to your next level of amazingness.

♡ From feeling alone, to having deep connection to your self and with others.

♡ From being worried and stressed out, to feeling confident, calm and in control.

♡ From feeling criticised, rejected and second guessing yourself, to regain full trust in yourself, your gut feeling and your inner voice.

♡ From chasing after people, to become magnetic and attract the right people to you.

♡ From having arguments and drama, to master effective communication that invite others to be your biggest supporters.

From thinking you're 'too picky' and 'too hard to be with', to become available to meet your compatible soulmate.

And sooooo much more...

2. 'Heal Me Anything' Session

I will work with you to shift whatever surface up for you that is ready to be cleared out.

This is where you get to bring in any question and situation that you currently experience, and I will address it ad-hoc.

This is the best time to receive personal intuitive guidance and healing, specifically for you.

The whole group will receive that clearing too, so you will enjoy enhanced and deep healing.
Either by your own questions or by others in the group. This is the magic of the club.

We meet every fortnight on Tuesday at 8pm UK time.
A reminder will be sent to you via email.

My Gift To You

If you choose to stay and allow me to guide you further, after your first month you will get access to ALL of the previous recordings.

The value of the content inside this club has cost me THOUSANDS to learn over years and years, and my VIP clients pay a lot for their access to it

Taste It.

Feel It.

Grow In Love With It.

I am here to provide you everything you need to transform your journey and level-up your life.

I want you to feel the energy, the magic and the love, so you choose to stay in and grow.

Enter your details to sign up and let the magic begin

Hear from my clients...


Naomi A.

Art Curator

I signed up with Ionit after I experienced a few incidents with some of the closest people around me at that time.

Within a few sessions, I was able to manage my emotions and respond calmly to my ex-husband and the solicitors.

Clearing a lot of pain from my past, I was able to release a 4-year toxic relationship and even go on a few dates with clear sensing in my body who is right for me to go out with and who is not.

My anxiety reduced massively and new friendships and work opportunities flowed in. The sessions are fun and joyful, even when talking about serious issues and the changes I experienced were quick. Follow the instructions and you can see results faster than you can imagine,

Hello Beautiful Soul,

My name is Ionit Sabatello and I am an award- winning Love & Relationships Healer and Personal Success Mentor.

I help women who value independency, creativity, and authenticity to have it all-
love, healthy relationships, and success-
without besing emotionally stressed and overwhelmed.

I have been through unhealthy relationships with the wrong people, that have left me heart broken and depressed.

For a very long time I felt I was a complete mess, both emotionally and mentally.

I knew I deserved better, I just didn't know how to make it happen.

It all changed when I chose to have better life experiences, for me and for my kids, and I learned that the power to stop the cycle is within me,

And so does the power to create the life I desired!

By developing a loving relationship with yourself you can experience better and more effective communication with others, enjoy healthier relationships and can achieve any personal success your heart desires.

I want you to have the same, or more!

You were born to experience unconditional love, all you need is to find your way back to it.

I'm here to help you exactly with that.

As an advanced Theta Healing® practitioner, using multiple modalities that I gathered in the past 15 years, my clients experience rapid shifts with their blocking beliefs and paradigms and find balance, emotional resilience, and clarity of their own truth so they can grow into their greatness and live life easier, empowered, and in flow.

The life of your dreams is only a vibration away!

YOU CAN heal and restore your relationships to a place of balance, trust, and harmony.
YOU CAN cultivate a deeper level of intimacy and connection with your partner and loved ones.
YOU CAN gain a greater understanding of yourself and your own patterns and triggers within relationships.
YOU CAN develop stronger communication skills, healthier boundaries, and a greater sense of self-love and self-worth.

The only question is, will you choose to take that step?

How much time should I expect to invest in this incredible club to fully reap the benefits? I want to make sure it fits into my busy schedule

Answer: We understand the value of your time! The Love Club is designed with flexibility in mind. While the amount of time you invest is entirely up to you, we offer a variety of ways to enjoy it. Whether you can join the live sessions every fortnight or prefer to dive in during weekends with the replays, you can customise your involvement to fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle without compromising on the benefits of the process.

What kind of results can I expect from joining The Love Club? Will it truly have a positive impact on my life?

Answer: Absolutely! The Love Club is all about fostering personal growth and creating a positive impact. By joining, you'll gain access to valuable resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community. While individual results may vary, our members have reported transformative experiences, increased confidence, new friendships, improved relationships and a renewed zest for life.We're here to empower you on your journey toward greater happiness and fulfillment.

I am happily married and not looking for a new partner. Is The Love Club relevant to me?

Answer: Everyone can do with more love in their life! With the family, kids, friends, or colleagues...So while perusing your personal goals, we will support you to keep the mutual respect, trust, space and freedom within every relationship around you and more so with your current partner, so that ultimately the two of you will be able to grow together, side by side, and deepen your connection.

How soon can I expect to see tangible results or benefits after joining the membership club? Will it take months or can I experience positive changes sooner?

Answer: Ah, the anticipation! While everyone's journey is unique, many members have reported feeling the positive effects soon after joining. The transformative impact can begin with the very first interaction, whether it's joining a supportive conversation, attending an inspiring event, or accessing our resources. Remember, personal growth is a continuous journey, and the more you engage, the more profound and lasting the results will be. Embrace the process, and you'll be amazed at the positive changes along the way!

{Topic} {impact that they want} for me...

...and it can do the same for you!

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

A result they really want

How your course helped you achieve that!

These points are designed to stir up their emotions.

INTRODUCING: {Course Name}

What's Inside...









What have past students

said about {course name}?

Testimonial goes here.

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Name, City Location

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Name, City Location

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Name, City Location

Testimonial goes here.

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Name, City Location

Testimonial goes here.

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Name, City Location



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