Knowing you deserve better gives you a clear choice to make, every single time.

Instead of trying to fix things that cannot be fixed, understand that there is a reason why those things got broken in the first place.

So either you build something new with the same person, or you build something new with a new one.

But it has to be new, if you want it to be better.

And by 'new' I mean revealing the YOU that is hidden under layers of what is familiar.

By peeling your layers of personality, that were built around fear, frustration shame and guilt, and keeping the layers of love, gratitude and joy -

you allow the better to be revealed too.

Allow yourself to HEAL first from your own wounds.

Allow yourself to have clarity of your own truth and have balance of emotions, energy and values.

We attract what we are.

Focus on becoming the most amazing person you've ever met and then watch what happens next